
Ko srce svoje otvorio nije

I nije te zagrlio

Tebe upoznati ne može,

Jer um razne projekcije pravi

A zagrljaj sve govori

I teško je za opisati

Osećaj koji se razlio unutar grudi

Unutar bića

Ona čista radost jednog deteta

Koja te pokreće na veselje, pesmu, ples.

I ništa drugo nije važno

Osim tog osećaja u grudima.

Drugi neko može reći da si loš

Može te osuditi zbog boje kože

Kulture iz koje dolaziš

Svašta o tebi neko može pričati

Al’ bez otvorenog srca

To samo slepilo uma može govoriti

Jer ti nisi ni telo u kome boraviš

Niti kultura i nasleđe iz kog dolaziš

Ti si neizmerna Ljubav

Koja Zemljom hoda.

Iako se tako duboki i prostrani osećaji

Rečima ne mogu dočarati

Radost u mojim očima je očigledna

I kako Hrist reče: ko ima oči da vidi neka vidi.

A da se Hristovog učenja drže

Da ga istinski slede

U usta tvoje ime ne bi uzeli

Već bi ti neizmernu ljubav slali

I zahvalnost za sve što činiš za svet

Koji nam je svima od Boga dat

Da u njemu živimo,

Da u njemu Život, Ljubav slavimo.

S ljubavlju,



Who did not open his heart

And he didn’t hug you

He can’t know you,

Because the mind makes various projections

And the hug says it all

And it’s hard to describe

A feeling welled up inside the chest

Within being

That pure joy of a child

Which moves you to happy place, to sing, dance.

And nothing else matters

Except for that feeling in my chest.

Someone else may say you’re bad

He can judge you because of the color of your skin

The culture you come from

Anyone can talk about you

But without an open heart

Only the blindness of the mind can speak

Because you are not the body in which you reside

Nor the culture and heritage you come from

You are immeasurable Love

Who walks the Earth.

Although it feels so deep and spacious

I can’t describe it in words

But the joy in my eyes is obvious

And as Christ said: he who has eyes to see, see.

And if they  stick to the teachings of Christ

If they truly follow him

They wouldn’t take your name in their mouths

They would send you immense love

And gratitude for everything you do for the world

Which is given to all of us by God

To live in it,

To celebrate Life and Love in it.

With love,

