Ovo je samo jedno mnogih iskustava.
Radim sa klijentkinjom iz Norveške već neko vreme. Danas je bio peti tretman po redu. Javila se u trenutku u kom se osećala emotivno slaba, u smislu da bi lako planula za sve i svašta a uz to je osećala jak bol u levoj nozi zbog kog je pila jake lekove. I svašta nešto je do sada isplivalo tokom reiki tretmana na daljinu. U međuvremenu je dobila i preporuke šta ona da radi između tretmana i svega se, Bogu hvala a za njeno dobro pridržava, i sve je počelo da se popravlja. Ne puca više, oseća mir, nema potrebu da komentariše neke stvari, neki bliski ljudi su promenili ponašanje na bolje u odnosu na nju, a što je najvažnije noga je više ne boli. Posle tog jednog tretmana tokom kog je najveći deo bio fokusiran na nozi rekla mi je: “Osetila sam da mi se noga mica, kao da je neko namešta pa sam pomislila – eno je. Nasmejala sam se. Vrućina mi je u kuku. Osetila sam sve. Smanjio se bol.” Da, da.. kad je ovakav rad u pitanju, vreme i prostor gube na značaju, to sam pisala u svojim ranijim tekstovima od pre dosta godina. Takođe tada mi je tokom tretmana misao bila o detinjstvu i batinama, i ja je nakon tretmana upitam da li je dobijala batine u detinjstvu. A ona mi odgovara: u da, tukla nas je mama, al jednom sam dobila batine koje joj nikad neću oprostiti i krene da mi priča situaciju. Lepo je saslušam i kažem, e baš te treba da joj oprostiš. Posle toga je i bol u nozi utihnuo.
U jednom trenutku mi je rekla da je boli još malo, ali da može da se kreće i da radi bez lekova. Onda sam tokom sledećg tretmana postavila pitanje: Ostatak bola u nozi? Zanima nas uvek uzrok jer kad rešimo uzrok reši se i posledica. I misao koja je došla kao odgovor je bila: klinac. Ok, pitam je ima li šta da podeli sa mnom na tu temu, a ona kaže da ima i krene priču. Naravno, dobije zadatak šta da poradi na tu temu i danas kad smo se čule kaže da nema bola.
I danas kad sam krenula da je radim, i dok sam bila kod desnog oka izađe mi sledeće: REALNOST VIDIM KAKVA JESTE, ALI PRONALAZIM I VIDIM RADOST U SVEMU, SVIMA I SVUDA, kao poruka za nju. Naravno to je bio samo početak tretmana, bilo je tujoš u nastavku, ali mi ovo bi simpatično da izdvojim. I kad sam to podelila sa njom ona mi kaže: „Imala sam parezu desne strane lica pre 19 godina, i dalje mi desno oko nije kako je bilo dok se ostatak lica vratio u normalu. Pa od tebe se ništa ne može sakriti. Još nisam htela time da te zamaram.“ Hehe.. pa ne zamara mene ništa ako sam uzela da radim sa nekim, radi se ono što treba, što je na redu. 😊
I pošto je sve energija samo drugačije manifestovana, energija nam je i najbolja pomoć u isceljenju. Naravno, kod energetskog rada ne očekuje se da reiki i terapeut sve odrade već i klijent/reiki primaoc preuzima odgovornost i učestvuje u sopstvenom isceljenju tako što primenjuje različite mentalne tehnike poput isceljenja odnosa, određenu vrstu molitve u skladu sa onim što se rešava, menja svoj način razmišljanja, obrasce, uverenja, aktivno učestvuje u procesu na različite načine a opet koje su za njegovo/njeno najviše dobro.
p.s. na fotografiji je Rijeka nije Norveška, ali mi je nekako ova letnja fotogradija išla uz ovaj tekst.
S ljubavlju,
This is just one of many experiences.
I have been working with a client from Norway for some time. Today was the fifth treatment in a row. She came in at a moment when she felt emotionally weak, in the sense that she would easily burst into flames for anything and everything, and she also felt severe pain in her left leg, for which she was taking strong medication. And all kinds of things have surfaced during distance reiki treatments so far. In the meantime, she received from me recommendations on what to do between treatments and, thank God for her good, she complied with everything, and everything started to improve. She doesn’t react anymore, she feels calm, she doesn’t need to comment on some things, some close people have changed their behavior for the better in relation to her, and most importantly, her leg doesn’t hurt anymore. After that one treatment, during which most of it was focused on the leg, she told me: “I felt that my leg was moving, as if someone was adjusting it, so I thought – there she is. I smiled. The heat is in my hip. I felt everything. The pain lessened.” – Yes, yes.. when it comes to this kind of work, time and space lose their importance as I already wrote that in my earlier texts from many years ago. Also, during that treatment, my thoughts were about her childhood and beatings, and after the treatment I asked her if she was beaten as a child. And she answered me: yes, my mother beat us, but once I got a beating that I will never forgive her for and starts to tell me the situation. I had listened to her nicely and said, well, you should forgive her. After that, the pain in the leg subsided.
At one point, she told me that she was still in a little pain, but that she could move and work without medication. Then during the next treatment I asked the question: “The rest of the pain in the leg?” We are always interested in the cause, because when we solve the cause, the consequence is also solved. And the thought that came in response was: “A son.” Ok, I ask her if she has anything to share with me on that topic, and she says she does and starts talking. Of course, she was given the task of what to do on that topic and today, when we spoke, she says that there is no pain.
And today, when I started with reiki treatment at distance, and while I was at her right eye, the following came out to me: I SEE REALITY AS IT IS, BUT I FIND AND SEE JOY IN EVERYTHING, EVERYONE AND EVERYWHERE, as a message for her. Of course, that was only the beginning of the treatment, there was more in the sequel, but I would like to highlight this. And when I shared it with her, she told me: “I had paresis on the right side of my face 19 years ago, and my right eye is still not as it was, while the rest of my face returned to normal. Well, nothing can be hidden from you. I didn’t want to bother you with that yet.” Hehe.. well, it doesn’t bother me at all if I decided to work with someone, you do what you need to do, what’s right. 😊
And since all is energy just manifested in a different way, energy is our best help in healing. Of course, with energy work, it is not expected that the reiki and the reiki therapist do everything, but the client/reiki recipient takes responsibility and participates in his own healing by applying different mental techniques such as relationship healing, a certain type of prayer in accordance with what is being resolved, changing his way of thinking, patterns, beliefs, actively participates in the process in different ways and yet which are for his/her highest good.
p.s. in the photo is Rijeka it is not Norway, but somehow this summer photography is going well with this text.
With love,